American Top Team Aventura/NMB

Gym Etiquette and Rules at American Top Team Aventura/NMB

Youth student at American Top Team Aventura/NMB bowing before stepping on the Mat


  • Martial Arts should be used to protect yourself and others in need only
  • Train to the best of your abilities and with maximum effort
  • Attend classes regularly and consistently 
  • Practice at home
  • Always demonstrate good behavior and correct etiquette 
  • Learn your new skill well
  • Improve and train the skills you have
  • Listen to your instructor 

Rules & Regulation

  1. Parents/guardians must stay in the lobby area if not engaged in any class
  2. Parents/guardians cannot intervene in any class
  3. Students cannot horseplay, run, or scream in the facility
  4. No skate shoes (wheelies) are allowed in the building
  5. No kids allowed in functional training area without coach supervision 
  6. Students must always adhere to clean hands, feet, and personal hygiene 
  7. Students must always show respect to peers and all instructors 
  8. All students share in the responsibility of keeping the gym safe and clean
  9. Please do not arrive to class early or leave late without previous authorization 
  10. Students must remove shoes before entering white Martial Mats
  11. Shoes must be worn on/in all other areas of the gym

Mat Rules

  1. Students must bow to mat in entering and exiting (all times)
  2. Once on the mat, students must sit in descending bell ranks, cross-legged, and eyes closed waiting for class to begin 
  3. Students must remain quiet and attentive in class; not disturbing peers.
  4. Students must maintain odor-free uniforms (Professor has right to release students if attire is not clean)
  5. Students must wear complete ATT/Or Martial uniforms when training (No apparel from other gyms will be allowed after trial class)
  6. No hats, jewelry, shoes, and personal items allowed on the mat area(The gym is not responsible for lost o stolen items)
  7. All students must report any injury, health concern, or skin condition to the instructor before class starts
  8. Students must always maintain fingers and toenails trimmed at all times
  9. No obscene language or ill-tempered behavior at the gym at any time
  10. No filming without coaches’ permission 
  11. Do not abuse your knowledge of the Martial Arts
  12. Always train to the best of your abilities and with maximum effort
  13. Listen to your instructor 
  14. No parents allowed in a training area
  15. One-on-one section, please wait for your coach in the lobby area. 

Whiles these rules may seem formal they help to instill a sense of respect and discipline necessary in a sport or art which may, if taken lightly, be dangerous

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